Will Higher Repetitions with Shorter Rest Intervals Make Me “CUT”?

Dave_muscle_TMAccording to Marcas Bamman, director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Center for Exercise Medicine, about 70% of folks will respond to muscle-building programs. 

So the chances of getting more lean are pretty good for most of us.

From a nutritional and fitness perspective, the only way to get “cut” is to lose the body fat that covers lean muscle.  This is based on following a personalized lean body meal plan.

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To get a free lean body meal plan, click here.

Now that you’ve got a personalized meal plan, keep in mind that a personalized lean meal plan is only part of the equation.  The other part is to build the muscle.  Building the muscle creates the “cut” appearance. This is done with a muscle-building program.



If you have the genetics for it, the effect of higher repetitions with shorter intervals will be a leaner body.  This requires a disciplined muscle building program, cardiovascular training and most importantly, a personalized diet plan that focuses on lean body development and fat loss.

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