Monthly Archives: January 2016

Tested and True: Probiotics

Probiotics are one of Consumer Reports “11 supplements to consider”* as they have been shown to likely be safe for most people and equally likely to be effective in appropriate doses for certain conditions. Probiotic products contain helpful, viable, and…
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CATEGORY: Dietary Supplements

3 Words for a Happy Approach to Life: How to Harness Their Power

What are the 3 words for a happy approach to life and how can we harness their power? I had no idea. But, I found a handful of experts who helped. Meet Dr. Ed Diener. Ed is the world’s foremost…
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CATEGORY: Happiness , Well-being

4 Things Happy Healthy People Do

Happy people have something in common – happy habits. Research shows that much of what we do day-to-day is habitual.  And since 40% of happiness is due to intentional activity, we can change our happiness by up to 40% by…
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CATEGORY: Happiness