Monthly Archives: March 2016

5 Secrets of Healthy Long-Term Relationships

Every relationship carries its own dynamic. Some grow in a healthy way, others become toxic. Healthy ones last, toxic ones often fall apart. How? What’s the difference? You’ll find out shortly from one of the nation’s foremost relationship experts, Dr.…
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CATEGORY: Relationships

How to Have More Joy in Today’s Challenging World: Backed By New Research

Everyone deserves joy, yet, for some reason, it’s becoming more elusive in our culture. We hear it described less, talked about less and sometimes not mentioned at all. What happened? Recent research suggests that many of us now tend to…
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CATEGORY: Happiness , Well-being

How Long Should You Rest Between Sets to Burn Fat, Build Muscle and Increase Strength?

Muscle science shows your rest time between sets depends on your goal. Is your goal to burn fat, build muscle, or increase strength?* Knowing your goal dictates the length of time you should rest between sets.  Here’s a breakdown based…
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CATEGORY: Fitness , Sport & Competition Nutrition

4 Methods to Calm Your Mind in a Chaotic World

Any idea why so many people joke about having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) these days? Ed Hallowell, former professor at Harvard Medical School and bestselling author of Driven to Distraction, has an explanation. From: CrazyBusy: Overstretched, Overbooked, and About to…
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CATEGORY: Anxiety , Well-being

How to Go to Bed Happy: 3 New Secrets from Neuroscience

If you’re not getting a decent night’s sleep, it’ll be tough to be happy. Research from NutureShock shows that: “sleep-deprived people fail to recall pleasant memories, yet recall gloomy memories just fine.” No one wants to be gloomy all day. It’s…
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CATEGORY: Happiness , Well-being